Looking for Employees?

Our job fairs may be the opportunity you've been waiting for

Are you hiring in or around Delaware or working with Delaware job applicants and are looking for a creative way to market your company or its openings? We would love to help. We have specific advertising and marketing opportunities on our website and at our job fair events. Click here to find out more information about the various Sponsorship Levels here.

Are you an employer with Delaware job openings and want to put on an event that draws recruits? We can help. The Nine Innings of Networking job fair event is one of the biggest area job fairs of the year and in 2016 (first game), it drew a crowd of 4,500 between the game and the job fair. We would love for you to be part of this event, but space is limited. Click here if your company wants to register as a sponsor or exhibitor or download the registration form or email us.

We also offer online advertising and posting opportunities on the Delaware Job Fairs classifieds page. Visit here for more information.